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Created Nov 2017 (7 years old)
Topics Hobby Lifestyle_(sociology)
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Contacts and Links


Arputa Jayasheela is a professional practicing Architect, Green Building Design and Sustainability Consultant.
She is a passionate architect with focus on sustainability, renewable energy and reduced ecological footprint. She holds Masters in Environmental Architecture (M.Arch), A registered architect of COA, member of IIA and an IGBC-AP.

Received IGBC PLATINUM rating for Institutional project, Also worked on Green building design for Residential buildings, Apartments, Institutions, Commercial building, Townships, Resort, Hotels, Office Interior, Club house etc.

The main aim of starting this channel architect 24x7 is Environmental education at the grass root level to succeed in making individuals and communities understand the complex nature of the natural and the built environments. It means education towards protection and enhancement of the environment and for improving the quality life of human communities.

Contact us at : +91 9579950883