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Created Jul 2014 (10 years old)
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Melanie Little is a New York lawyer with over 30 years experience as a trial attorney and litigator in state and federal courts, who is now a legal analyst and commentator putting a fresh spin on the cases and topics of the day. She also brings the perspective of a mother of 5, and fully understands she cannot make everyone happy...she is not a cupcake!

I have been receiving so many inquiries regarding my on-camera makeup, skincare and haircare that I have listed them all in my AMAZON STOREFRONT, linked below.
WARNING: Some of these products may be life-changing.


NOT LEGAL ADVICE: This content is made solely for the purpose of commentary for entertainment and educational purposes, and no attorney -client relationship is created through comments or interaction with this channel. All suspects are deemed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.