Automotive Diagnosis: Cars Repair &Training Guides

Subscribers 66,600
Views 11,512,963
Videos 392
Country AU
Created Feb 2020 (5 years old)
Topics Technology Vehicle Lifestyle_(sociology)
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Automotive Diagnosis is a channel created by automotive specialists to provide technical videos for cars diagnosis and repair.
We have also been automotive trainers for many years teaching all different systems to mechanics and auto electricians. In all videos, we take one step further from the "Only Repair" to "Deep Understanding about the Nature of the Fault". We provide videos from different systems on the cars including engine, transmission, electrical systems, Hybrid (HEV) and Electric cars (EV), Steering and Suspension Systems, parts removal guides, fuse box details, how to use special tools, and many case studies.
Our online courses are now available on, you can find our online courses on the first link below.

We try to upload a new video every couple of days or so. Keep in touch and please "SUBSCRIBE TO SUPPORT US".