Buy Sell Signal Software _ Rahul Sarkar

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Created Aug 2019 (5 years old)
Topics Lifestyle_(sociology) Knowledge Technology
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About Us :-
We are Providing auto BUY SELL SIGNAL software for share trading. Our TRADING SOFTWARE is working in all segments like NSE,F&O,OPTION,MCX, as well as FOREX market. Our SOFTWARE strives to help its client to maximize their market returns while protecting their trading capital by providing profitable TRADING SIGNALS. Nowadays, the most Traders desire to work on stock options and NIFTY/BANKNIFTY using the best scalping approach that yields a good profit from the share market, Our SOFTWARE provides the traders highly Accurate BUY SELL SIGNAL with Target and Stop Loss Value.
Our SOFTWARE Generate BUY SELL SIGNALS over Amibroker and MetaTrader (MT4) Platform with Perfect ENTRY and EXIT points with near about Accuracy level more than 80-85% in Trendy as well as Sideways Market.
This AUTO buy sell signal INDICATOR is a complete solution for a INTRADAY TRADER as well as for a SWING TRADER. If you want to be a SCALPER then also this indicator help you to become a Successful Scalper.