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Created Sep 2020 (4 years old)
Topics Business Knowledge
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We aim to provide best education and guidance for the AAI exams.
Under career wave guidance several hundreds of students were selected in finals. Most of the qualified candidates were somehow connected with career wave including test series, study materials, or revision capsules. About 90% of the qualified candidates were from our official telegram channel (@aai_atc) and still in our guided dedicated group for qualified candidates on telegram (@atc_qualified, @aai_atc2023,).
Recorded concept class
2hrs live discussion class 100+Qs
30Qs assignment
40Qs Sectional mock
Concise ebook of 3-4 pages
Lecture Pdfs for quick revision
Weekly doubt-clearing sessions
Formula ebook for revision
Concept charts.
Ebooks of 20 pages
Weekly full-length mock (300+)

Er Satyendra Pathak
πŸ“ž call now +919403890260, +919026674746