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Created Dec 2020 (4 years old)
Topics Society Religion
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PRAISED BE JESUS CHRIST OUR KING! Thank you for visiting Catholic Sanctuary. At the outset This is NOT a Monetised CHANNEL.
May God bless you as you pray along with us and give you a change of heart as you listen to the Holy Spirit inspired Sermons and talks by some renowned Catholic Priests. It is our endeavour to bring as many souls to Christ as possible through the intercession of our most Blessed Mother Mary and her most chaste spouse St. Joseph and all the saints. Let us pray for one another.
1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 says, “Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in everything for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for all of you.”
“He who prays most receives most.” St Alphonsus Maria de Liguori
“Remember that one does not win the battle without prayer. The choice is yours.” St. Padre Pio
Let us repeat the following prayer often: “JESUS, MARY, I LOVE THEE, SAVE SOULS”. A prayer taught by our Lord Jesus to Sr. Consolata Betrone to save innumerable souls.