Cherian Kuruvila - Mentor - Coach-Amateur Musician

Subscribers 3,660
Views 157,730
Videos 244
Language en-IN
Country IN
Created Dec 2011 (13 years old)
Topics Knowledge Music Christian_music
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Cherian Kuruvila comes with 40 yrs of overall leadership Corporate experience -Sales, Marketing & Branding, P&L Operations, Retail, HR, large-scale Project Management
-13 yrs as a Business Mentor, Executive Coach, OD & Strategic Leadership facilitator, Panel Member, Speaker, Writer [focused on the Corporate sector, mid to large SME sector Entrepreneurs, and solo entrepreneurs].
- 16 yrs as Director/ Executive Director at Modi Xerox
-7 yrs as CEO Karnataka at Bharti Airtel, Broadband, and Sr VP at Reliance Communications
-Director Operations with the US-based Manpower Inc focused on HR Recruitment across 8 Industry verticals.
-Managing Partner in his firm CNC Transcend Management Services
-associated with IIM Ahmedabad Centre of Innovation, Incubation, and Entrepreneurship, India SME Forum, Wadhwani Foundation
He is Certified
- Director with the Institute of Directors,
-Leadership/ Executive Coach,
-Assessor for senior leaders
