Subscribers 42,700
Views 2,215,131
Videos 149
Country MY
Created Jul 2019 (5 years old)
Topics Technology Knowledge Lifestyle_(sociology)
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At CONNECTING ASIA TV, we bridge the gap between academia and industry by providing valuable resources for researchers, educators, and students. Our channel offers:

Research and Methodology
Systematic Literature Reviews: Step-by-step guidance and practical tips.
- Research Methodology: Comprehensive lectures on research fundamentals.

Data Analytics
- Techniques and Tools: Tutorials on statistical methods, data visualization, and software like SPSS, R, and Python.

Research Tools and Techniques
Bibliometric Analysis: Evaluate research impact and trends.
- Structural Equation Modeling (SEM): Model specification and interpretation.
- Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: Guides on various research methods.

AI Tools for Research
- AI-Enabled Research: Enhance your research process with AI.
- Machine Learning: Applications in research fields.
- AI Software: Tutorials on using AI tools.

Engage with CONNECTING ASIA TV and empower your research journey!