Subscribers 50,100
Views 5,186,000
Videos 133
Country SG
Created Oct 2006 (18 years old)
Topics Lifestyle_(sociology)
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Hi Cool Mums,
I've done alot of things in my life, and I hope to encourage all of you to explore your interests and passions. Here is just a quick breakdown of my life so far:

Cities lived in: Hong Kong, Singapore, San Francisco, New York, Taiwan, Beijing,

Born in HK to family of musicians. Grew up playing piano and chinese flute.
Schooling in Singapore
UC Berkeley, Economics
Investment Banking in HK
Startup in SF
Studied Fashion Design at Parsons in NY
Started my own costume design brand Dianna Designs
Competitive Latin Ballroom dancer
Mum to Sebastian and Kilian
Content creation.

With each phase in life, I'm closer to knowing myself, and what I want. If you are curious about where life can lead you, start today because it's never too late to reach for your dreams.