Subscribers 95,900
Views 28,675,496
Videos 151
Country NP
Created Jul 2015 (9 years old)
Topics Music_of_Asia Music
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A complete pack for Full Digital videography
1.Music Videos
2.Feature Films
4.Short Movies
5. Wedding
6. advertise

Note: All Postproductions/shoots are also done by professionally and with advance technology.
यस च्यानल मा रहेका SONG, FILM, VIDEO जथाभावी कपि, DJ Mix, Download गरी अन्य YouTube Channel मा upload गरेको पाएमा प्रचलित कानुन बमोजिम कडा भन्दा कडा कारबाही गरि क्षतिपुर्ति समेत असुल उपर गरिनेछ । CS Films pvt. ltd. DIRECTOR : SATISH SINHA. 9848468820 II 9814652564