Subscribers 61,500
Views 11,247,980
Videos 4,301
Country US
Created Sep 2012 (12 years old)
Topics Lifestyle_(sociology)
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I am a Mom who does reviews, blogging & vlogging so why not have a channel to show all the random things that I love. I also love to save money and coupon wherever I go. I love to show people deals on how to save money. My channel has a little bit of everything from every day life to reviews, unboxing, freebies I get in the mail and many other random items. Please subscribe to my channel for the latest videos. I post a few videos a week of many different things.

I love to do reviews and try new things. If you are a business that wants us to try something new please send me a message.

Subscribers & Businesses, Interested in Sending Me Fan Mail or Products/Samples. My PO Box is...
P.O. Box 324
Windsor, WI 53598-0324

My videos and posts contain affiliate links. I may receive compensation from those links.

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