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Created May 2016 (8 years old)
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Hi there, name name is Richard Pin, but most people call me Dick. I spend my days being mad and trying to keep down my high cholesterol. The aim of this channel is provide you with the best quality entertainment that I can. I don't create "Let's Plays" instead I create Rage Plays, now with 13% more calcium.

On a serious note. I, in fact, have brain damage. The part of my brain that is damaged is the part that controls stress (among a lot of other things). This results in me suffering from rage issues. As I explained to my doctor "I don't suffer from it, I enjoy every minute." I also "suffer" from a collection of mental illnesses. The reason I created this channel was to allow others to have a laugh with me. When I enter a rage moment it's like someone else has grabbed the steering wheel and I'm there in the passenger seat unable to control where we're heading.

PS. Any comments on my videos that read "First" or "1st" is only any announcement that the commenter has gonorrhea.

Videos from channel

Published Title Description Views
Oct 04, 2023 Infliction (Extended Cut) E02 - My Wife is the Demon?! After killing my beloved wife I now have to escape the Haunt... 412
Jun 30, 2023 Infliction (Extended Cut) E01 - So Scary I Pooped My Pants It's time to step into the perceptive of a murdering husband... 768
Oct 28, 2022 The Shopping List (Indie Horror) Spook-tober Special It's time to go shopping! I've just moved into this new city... 418
Sep 15, 2022 Euro Truck Simulator 2 - E01 - Ramming Speed! Euro Truck Simulator 2, not 1 or 3 BUT TWO! This is a game w... 266
Apr 04, 2022 House Flipper - E11 - For the Kids (Kindergarten Edition) Let's get down and dirty with this old office building and T... 366
Dec 23, 2021 "Santa Really Loves Me" - A Christmas Story by Richard Pin | Xmas 2021 Believe it or not, it's that time of year again. I wanted to... 587
Apr 07, 2021 Void Bastards - E06 - Three Deaths & a Whole Lot of RAGE (2021) So this game has decided to turn it up to 11! It now seems t... 1,179
Mar 31, 2021 I Can't Leave Istanbul - Jalopy - E09 | (BEST Indie game of 2016) I've got to return home but things keep going wrong. The car... 410
Mar 17, 2021 Broke, Poor and Destitute - Jalopy - E08 | (BEST Indie game of 2016) I finally spend my last Dahblonkins on buying a tool rack. N... 138
Mar 10, 2021 System Shock (Remake) - Free to Play DEMO | 2021 STOLEN FROM WIKIPEDIA: "System Shock is an upcoming action r... 170
Mar 03, 2021 Void Bastards - E05 - Disappearing Act (2021) It's time for me to relearn how to play this game. It's goin... 152
Feb 24, 2021 SOMA - E05 - The Beast Which Stalks I have no idea where I am and what's going on but I know one... 149
Feb 17, 2021 Tropico 5 - E07 - Modern Apartments with Rolling Blackouts | (Modern Era) The time has come to modernize! With more global powers begi... 156
Jan 29, 2021 Going Nowhere Quickly - Jalopy - E07 | (BEST Indie game of 2016) My uncle is gone. I'm all alone. Thank fuck. Time for me to ... 176
Aug 25, 2020 Tropico 5 - E06 - Resources Are Thinning Out! | (Cold War Era) Things are really starting to heat up now with the Cold War ... 513