Subscribers 83,800
Views 126,089,222
Videos 2,097
Language en
Country FR
Created May 2020 (4 years old)
Topics Film Television_program Entertainment Humour
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I created this channel because, as a big fan of the TV Show Empire, I was so mad that FOX is trying to bury Empire on the ground and delete all the videos, and change the YouTube’s channel of Empire. I’m so pissed about Jussie Smollett being fired from the show and the series getting cut short and declares the 18th épisode as the series finale, which is so disrespectful for the staff, the cast and the fans too. Ruining all the work they did for almost 6 years, I couldn’t take it anymore. So I decided to show my love by remembering to y’all the best moments of the serie, season by season.

Y’all can find all the clips of Empire in this channel. For now, there’s only clips from season 4 but I will post the others seasons too. I apologize in advance for my bad English and my grammar mistakes, I’m French and I talk English but not perfectly.

So join me by suscribing to my channel for showing your love to the show and enjoy the content !!!!

Love and To The Empire Forever 🦁✊🏾👑❤️ !!!!