Fabio Musanni - Programming Channel

Subscribers 5,000
Views 779,148
Videos 101
Country IT
Created Nov 2020 (4 years old)
Topics Technology Knowledge Lifestyle_(sociology)
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⬇️ Learn Online & Source Codes: solo.to/fabiomusanni

I'm Fabio and on this channel I help beginners become better programmers and improve their programming skills.
I mainly post videos about Python 🐍 and Web Development (HTML - CSS - Javascript) 💻
I've been programming for almost 10 years and my love for computers and technology started when I was a child.
I decided to open this channel to share the knowledge I have with other people, especially beginners who want to become programmers.
I don't consider myself an expert, I'm just a person with a lot of passion for technology and programming in general and I hope my videos can help other people become better programmers! 💪

Partnerships/Sponsorships: fabiomusanni (at) proton.me