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Created May 2019 (5 years old)
Topics Health Lifestyle_(sociology)
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Hello my doves! Subscribe to Fertility Mom and empower your trying-to-conceive journey. We'll be going through tons of research-based ways for you to increase your fertility naturally. I struggled with my own hormonal health and fertility for over a decade! I used my background in health and research to gather a bunch of info and 5 pregnancies later I have my 3 beautiful children. I learned A LOT along the way....true story: I'm legit THE research nerd on PubMed looking at the cellular biology and chemical basis for everything.

Fertility Mom is all about making your journey easier, more enjoyable, and empowering rather than soul-sucking.

The journey is what makes you Mommy❤️

Love, light, and wishes for healthy eggs,


I received my BSN from New York University and practiced as an RN for many years before going on to get my Master of Science degree and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesia certificate from Columbia University. I now provide anesthesia care in New York :-)