The University of Vermont Medical Center

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Created Jan 2009 (16 years old)
Topics Knowledge Health Society Lifestyle_(sociology)
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The University of Vermont Medical Center, a university hospital and medical center, serves all of Vermont and the northern New York region. Located in Burlington, The University of Vermont Medical Center is a regional, academic healthcare center and teaching hospital in alliance with the University of Vermont.

The University of Vermont Medical Center
111 Colchester Avenue
Burlington, Vermont 05401

Our mission is to improve the health of the people in the communities we serve by integrating patient care, education, and research in a caring environment.

Medical services include: Cancer Care, Children's Health, Diabetes Care, Digestive Health, Elder Care, Emergency Care, Eyes/Ears/Nose/Throat, Heart Health, Hospital Medicine, Lung Health, Mental Health, Neurological Care, Orthopedic Care, Pain Management, Primary Care & Family Medicine, Rehabilitation, Skin Care, Surgical Services, Wellness, and Women's Health.