Fractional Calculus Seminars @ SISSA

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Created Mar 2024 (1 years old)
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Fractional calculus is a generalised form of the integer-order calculus. While an integer-order derivative is a local operator, a fractional derivative is a non-local operator. The notion of Brownian motion is extended to admit Levy stable processes in the case of fractional diffusion. Many different operators have been described as fractional derivatives and integrals, with different properties, and there are also further generalizations within non-local calculus. Real-world applications of non-local models can be found in turbulence, economics, electrical circuits, etc. Until recently, the theory and applications of fractional operators did not receive attention, so that many questions remain unanswered.

It is intended to touch all aspects of fractional calculus, from mathematics to simulations to applications.

Organizers : Pavan Pranjivan Mehta* and Arran Fernandez**

* SISSA, International School of Advanced Studies, Italy
** Eastern Mediterranean University, Northern Cyprus