Subscribers 10,300
Views 1,068,794
Videos 354
Country PH
Created Feb 2020 (5 years old)
Topics Lifestyle_(sociology) Technology
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Hello Youtube| Hello Amazing People!
Lets talk about me My name is Ging, I am travel Vlogger from Negros Oriental, I live in the Philippines. My Channel is all about my life in the Province, adventures and exploring new places, secluded waterfalls and other great spot, Dating tips, baking and much more. A student and Wishing to be able to Travel in the Future To show you the Beauty of Asian Islands in the Philippines.
I have been motivated to create my own Channel for some reason, I want to share my experiences in life, some knowledges and skills. To support my studies and help my Family to buy their own Farmland. My ultimate dream is travelling around the world where I can share to you my experiences on my adventures and travelogues.
life is too short to be unhappy, so live life and enjoy!

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Thank you Have a Good day!