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Views 4,883,975
Videos 631
Country US
Created Jun 2023 (1 years old)
Topics Action-adventure_game Video_game_culture Action_game Role-playing_video_game
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What are you waiting for?! Right now is your chance to play on the BEST GTA 5 RP server in the world - Grand Role Play!

A tutorial on how to start playing with me -

My name is Slim and on this channel, you'll find:

1) Cool money-making smart tricks on the server;
2) Review updates;
3) Videos about the rarest, fastest, coolest cars in the game;
4) A lot of fun;
5) Minimum of 3 videos and 3 streamers a week!

GTA 5 RP, THE BEST SERVER, gta5grand, Grand Role Play, How to Start Playing in GTA 5 RP, How to earn money in GTA5 RP, The best way to start playing in GTA5 RP

Warsaw, Pokorna 2,1146,00-199
VAT ID: PL5252843841