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Created Feb 2012 (13 years old)
Topics Religion Society
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Prophetess Taryn N. Tarver Bishop is a multifaceted, dynamic mother of six, television host, model, author, consultant, motivational speaker, & music producer, but above all, a modern-day Prophetess. Spiritual Mother to many, she recognized and accepted her call to ministry on January 31, 2001, at 3:30 PM. She has truly stepped into her anointing with the covering & guidance of the world’s most accurate councils; Spiritual Father Prophet Lovy Elias & Grandpapa Prophet Passion. Excelling in preaching, teaching, & healing, she has used her gifts to set captives free around the globe. Join us in-person & online for Prophetic Services every week @ 7 PM Wednesday & 9 AM Sunday @ Spirit Life Church, 1492 Sinaloa Rd, Simi Valley, CA.

Get connected at

Insta: @prophetesstaryn
TikTok: @prophetesstaryntarver
Music: LifelineTNT Worship
Cash app: $spiritlifechurchla
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