Subscribers 1,160
Views 404
Videos 3
Country US
Created Jul 2017 (7 years old)
Topics Action-adventure_game Video_game_culture Role-playing_video_game
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Minecraft: The Distinct ⛏ is a community for promoting non-stereotypical Minecraft servers. Ones that server owners put a creative experience into it for it's players. The kind that aren't Mini-Games, Survival, SMP, the types we've all already seen, heard, & played before. 🤡

So what does this community offer exactly?
- For starters, we offer a peaceful environment meant for likeminded Minecraft users, both as creative server owners & players with experience. 😇
- We also promote server-related content on our channel. Such as trailers, events, giveaways & announcements. If you're interested in buying an upload slot, check out our upload requests channel on our Discord. 📈
- Our discord channels, particularly our 'Minecraft Server' category, is where thoughts & ideas can be exchanged. There's also big networking opportunities. Check it out! 🧠

Here on Minecraft: The Distinct, we aim to enhance the norm for playing Minecraft Multiplayer. 🥂
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