Monkey Rhymes - Nursery Rhymes for Preschool Kids

Subscribers 270,000
Views 235,007,866
Videos 568
Country US
Created Nov 2013 (11 years old)
Topics Entertainment Music Film
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Welcome to Monkey Rhymes, our channel of classic nursery rhymes and baby songs, showcasing the mischievous antics of cheeky, comic faced monkeys to keep early learners engaged with catchy hip-swinging song-and-dance. The funny and smart animated monkeys will win your children’s hearts and help the toddlers and tiny tots begin their journey of learning basic colors, letters, shapes, counting, numeracy, fundamental math skills, fruits, and more through foot tapping rhymes like Happy Birthday, 10 little Vegetables or Alphabet Song. The exploits of the playful little monkeys who get into all sorts of trouble will teach your preschoolers how to laugh and make problem solving fun, navigate challenges, work in a team, friendship and develop important skills they need for kindergarten and beyond.