Subscribers 3,880
Views 1,011,066
Videos 15
Created Oct 2021 (3 years old)
Topics Film Entertainment
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Live is about history and future, not just creativity

Hi guys, I'm NotYugoslav a.k.a Faronesia. I'm not actually Balkan, but I'm Indonesian. My birth date is January 28th 2011. My hobby just animate and scroll YouTube shorts.

My goal is reach 50K and to be a best countryball animation like BasicallyThai, Damboy Production, Wahyu1039, and more.

- Name: Bang Affar (not actually real name)
- Age (2024): 13 years
- Live: South Jakarta, Indonesia
- Religion: Sunni Muslim
- Birth date: January 28th 2011

My Fic-State
- Name: Faronesia
- Independence day: May 27th 1945 (from Third Reich)
- Ideology: Islamic Theo-Socialist
- Government System: Presidensil
- Languages: English, Serbia, Arabic, Indonesian, German

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