Subscribers 3,740
Views 548,492
Videos 366
Country US
Created Nov 2012 (12 years old)
Topics Lifestyle_(sociology) Sport
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Partners Promoting Darts (PPD) offers soft-tip dart players of ALL skill levels the opportunity to win thousands of dollars! Whether you are brand new to the sport or a seasoned pro - you can take advantage of remote leagues and tournaments offered at many levels.

PPD provides access to the largest network of leagues in North America and the proud hosts of the annual Tournament of Champions - the largest paying dart event in North America with over $700,000 in prize money.

Year long PPD play includes:
- Extreme Leagues
- DRT Daily Remote Tournaments
- Super Saturday Tournaments
- PPD Nationals
- All Star Triples Tournament
- CSC Challenger Series
- Tournament of Champions – Kansas City, MO

Our leagues and tournaments are played remotely against people from across town, or across the country using the Arachnid Galaxy 3 dartboard's Remote Play feature.

Want to get involved? Head on over to our website here ️➡️