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Created Mar 2012 (13 years old)
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Precious People Parish is part of the Redeemed Christian Church of God worldwide and based in Manchester, the United Kingdom.

We are a church that partakes, produces and provides the mission objective of the RCCG and underscores the unwavering determination to build a church where every member has a sense of belonging.

Regardless of race, gender, colour or language, we believe that we are all children of the kingdom and members of the same family under one God. These are the ideals the parish seeks to promote and uphold as it reaches out to all members of the community.

Our activities testify to deliberate efforts to impact lives positively and make every member an accomplished person spiritually.

PPP is equally passionate about developing individual potentials and capacity utilisation to the glory of God.

So welcome on board the PPP spiritual train in our evangelical journey to win more souls for God.