Subscribers 7
Views 18
Videos 1
Created Dec 2023 (1 years old)
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Hey guys!
This channel is for all the environment lovers out there! If you want to compost and if you find it stinky then this channel is for you!
Team Eco creation aims towards growing your passions and aiding nature at the same time. Our project includes selling kits, taking sessions, investing in Biofuel machines and spreading awareness! Our team presents a kit which includes 5 paper packets, 5 dry leaves packets, an instructional manual, cocopeat and seeds.
You can also contribute to our project by buying our kits. To order them you can mail me on or
This channel will give updates, tips and more on the same!
Remember, with team Eco Creation you can "Let your passion grow and make nature glow!"
Ps, Pls subscribe to the following channels to know more about the environment, water wastage and just other random fun stuff!
1. Pfa the link :
2. Pfa the link: