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Views 2,028,505
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Language en-GB
Country BD
Created Dec 2017 (7 years old)
Topics Society Religion
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Rule of Law@Ain Adalat is a platform where everyone will get all types of legal advice, legal aid, law interpretation and lectures etc.
Rule of Law@ Ain Adalat provides legal help to the litigants and victims of rape, murder, assault, plaintiffs and defendants.. Discussions on Civil, Criminal, Writ, Company matter, Income Tax, Family Disputes, Negotiable Instruments act , Banking Company Law, Artha Rin Adalat Ain, Bangladesh Code, Commercial & Corporate law, Arbitration, Land disputes etc. are uploaded in Rule of Law@Ain Adalat.
Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan
Supreme Court of Bangladesh
Head of Chamber:
Farhad Ahmed Bhuiyan & Associates
Mobile: 01715819457
Facebook ID: Adv Farhad Ahmed Bhuiyan
Rule of Law@Ain Adalat is operated for giving guidelines only .