Sadhguru Bangla Volunteer (Fan Page)

Subscribers 98,400
Views 13,122,373
Videos 1,041
Country IN
Created Jul 2018 (6 years old)
Topics Religion Society
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my aim is to convey Gurudev's message to people so that they can grow spiritually, This youtube channel is a fan page, created for your support to benefit people,One of the unique features of Sadhguru Bangla Volunteer Fan page is the focus on practical guidance and tools that viewers can use in their daily lives. The channel offers a range of guided meditations, yoga practices, and mindfulness exercises that can help viewers cultivate a deeper sense of awareness and inner peace.
The channel also hosts a range of live events and discussions, where viewers can ask questions and interact with the volunteers and other members of the community. These events provide an opportunity for viewers to connect with like-minded individuals who are also on a path of self-discovery and spiritual growth.
Note: This is not a official Sadhguru Channel But, This channel is authorized by Isha Foundation for sharing Sadhguru`s videos/audio. We have permission for the same.