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Created Mar 2014 (10 years old)
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Hello viewers !
In early 70s, I learnt Pitman's English shorthand from teachers, incl. late Sir Kailash Chandra and became a Sr. Stenographer at 23 - I had the opportunity of working in this field for approx 15 years - Indian Red Cross Society (2 yrs), Cabinet Sectt (RAW)(1 yr), BHEL(1 yr), Delhi Univ (1 yr) - in 1977, I joined IFFCO and worked initially as Steno/PA /PS.
While in service I did graduation, Post-grad, Law, Dip in Pers Mgt and changed my cadre in IFFCO as Supervisor in the Personnel & Admn/IR - later on I was promoted as Officer/Sr.Officer/Dy.Mgr - joined IFFCO-TOKIO Gen.Ins.Co. as Manager and finally retired from there as V.P.(Claims) in 2014 after serving as Head-HR/Admn/Claims/Customer Service Centre.
I am now 70+ and staying in Sector-26 of Noida (UP). My wife was a Sr. Steno(Hindi) in the late 70s and retired 7 yrs back as Mgr. We are blessed with 3 sons (2 settled abroad) - This skill has given me a lot.
SK Chhabra