Subscribers 70,900
Views 8,938,933
Videos 610
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Created May 2020 (4 years old)
Topics Technology Knowledge Lifestyle_(sociology)
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Hi every one this is Sudhakar Bogam, Lecturer in Computer Science. Welcome to our channel SB Tech Tuts.

Our SB Tech Tuts channel provides Quality Educational Content and Technology videos like :
1. Computer Language Tutorials:
- C language
- C++
- Java
- Python
- Data Structures
- Web Programming ( HTML)
- Oracle (DBMS)
- JavaScript
- PHP with MY SQL
- Cyber Security
And much more.....
2. Latest Technology, Informative & Useful videos for Telugu You Tubers.

SB Tech Tuts Channel main thought was only provides Quality Education and Awareness to Telugu people.
We are interesting in making of all Computer Language tutorials in Telugu, which can help Telugu people to learn easily.

If you are interested in any of these, Please Subscribe to SB Tech Tuts channel.

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మీ సుధాకర్ బోగం.