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Created Apr 2015 (9 years old)
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Science gets a bad rep for being boring, difficult and for very smart people (see: nerds). But that doesn't have to be the case. At ScienceABC we believe that if science is communicated simply and made relatable and fun, it can be for everyone. As Micheal Jackson said best, "as simple as ABC."

So far, we've tackled complex and vast topics like Einstein's Time Dilation, the Immune System, Evolution, Quantum Entanglement, while also asking the questions that nag us at night like "Is the science in the movies accurate?", "Is it possible to have insects the size of humans?", and "Why can I hear a thundering sound in my ear?"

So, join us for some simple science with a whole lot of fun thrown in! Subscribe to our channel for your weekly dose of science and don't forget to share our work if you liked it.

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