Subscribers 26,800
Views 7,196,312
Videos 400
Country US
Created May 2014 (10 years old)
Topics Motorsport Vehicle Lifestyle_(sociology) Sport
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Over 1900 Tesla Time Slips and counting! Long videos, short videos, we've got 'em both!
We drag race our Tesla Plaid every week, versus the fastest competitors we can find at four local dragstrips.

Your host is a longtime gearhead, who built Camaros back in the ‘80s (and later, a nitrous Foxbody Mustang). That’s why we have such deep appreciation for all cars and respect for their drivers.

Our fastest 1/4 Mile pass (so far) in our Model S Plaid with 19” wheels has been 9.15 at 152.0 MPH. We’ve removed the back seats and a bit more (about 165 pounds), but remain both street legal and NHRA-legal.

We also have a set of Nittos racing tires that we are using at 1/8th mile tracks.

We post EVERY RACE, win or lose. (Unless the competitor specifically requests otherwise, or if the cameras fail.)

Dozens of new exciting races every month! Like and Subscribe for more!