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Created Dec 2006 (18 years old)
Topics Association_football Sport
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I am an American coach and trainer who has spent the last 15+ years traveling Europe to visit many of the best pro academies for the sole purpose of observing how young players are developed at the highest level. I have been fortunate to visit Real Madrid, Inter Milan, Manchester United, PSV Eindhoven, Bayern Munich, Ajax, SL Benfica, AC Milan, Club Brugge, FC Barcelona and others. Many of the videos I have recorded myself. I have good friends and contacts at many of these clubs and return as often as I can to stay current with what is happening at the highest level of youth player development. I have been extremely fortunate to have doors opened that don’t always get easily opened for outsiders and I feel a strong obligation to pass on as much of what I have learned as I can to those who can use it the most. If I can be of any help to you or your team please DM me. I would be happy to help you if I can.

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